Uomini senza donne

Movie, 1996

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Alex and Max are two "bachelors" who share the same house: Alex, advertising copywriter, is boxing, is an impenitent dongiovanni and does not hesitate to betray his colleague and girlfriend Paola; Max, saxophonist, neglects his ulcer and is attracted, yes, but also scared, by women. The meeting with the chorister Anna at a recording session gives birth to a relationship that she would like to realize in a cohabitation that frightens the other. Meanwhile, Alex, between an adventure and the other, waits for the call of the only woman for whom he spits, Eleonora, who is undecided whether to leave for him the man to whom he is bound, exasperates him in a frustrating way. The father of Alex then, Dante, who has a relationship with a young woman, called Chicca, asks in vain to his son to act as a peacemaker with her, who has left him. Anna.

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