Vertical Love

Movie, 1997
Comedy Drama

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The architecture student Estela (Silvia Aguila) makes a suicide attempt after her plans for solving Havana's housing shortage are rejected. This brings her into contact with earthy, cynical hospital nurse Ernesto (Jorge Perugorria). Estela invites him home for dinner, and he succeeds in offending everyone present. Unable to find a quiet spot to be alone, they finally find a squatters' tenement, where their sexual frenzy causes a ceiling to collapse. They next try vertical love in a stalled elevator, trapping people in the modern building minus stairs. Fleeing responsibilities, they stage a romantic rendezvous alongside a country river, but once again they are interrupted as Cuban commissars arrive with papers and forms because the couple constructs a hut beneath a bridge. Amid the misadventures, lust turns to love

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