Visage de chien

Movie, 1985

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In this low-budget thriller from director Jacek Gasiorowski, a young son slowly becomes aware of a sleazy underworld inhabited by the oddballs and dangerous men that his father must deal with in order to collect the money he needs to pay off a drug debt. Denis (Hugues Quester is a designer who resorts to selling drugs to survive, but now his drug bosses give him the length of one day to come up with the money he owes them, or else. His son Pierrot (Pierre Champenois) goes along with him, as the two frantically move from one end of town to the other, trying to collect from a wide variety of people: a Vietnamese heroin addict, a dealer and musician, and others on the fringe. In the meantime, Denis' period of grace is quickly running out, and young Pierrot has received a crash-course on the lower rungs of humanity.

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