
Movie, 1988

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In this heavyhanded political allegory, set in the plains and mountains of Central Asia, a tribe of people led by the fanatical Mavrut (Vladimir Msrian) wanders about in the most desolate parts of this already desolate region in search of a mythical "Land of Happiness." Their quest is hampered by the fact that they must all live a life which is extremely ascetic. One tribeswoman expresses a desire to have a child, but is rebuked by being reminded that she has vowed never to have worldly ties that would distract her from the quest. When she has a child anyway, she and her lover are made to pay for this crime in a horrific way. Despite that, the child becomes a kind of holy mascot for the group, touted by the leader as a kind of savior. They are distressed when the child goes missing one day, only to appear mysteriously on the opposite side of the rapids of a river, beckoning to them.

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