Who, If Not Us

Movie, 1999
Drama Family

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This movie deals with two friends, 13-14 year old boys. One comes from a more or less stable home (although he is growing up with single mom) and another comes from a broken up family. One day the kids break into a store to pretty much have fun and get something to eat, short time after they get caught and one kid is sent to juvenile prison (14 year old) and another one is released to his being too young to be tried (13 years old). The younger kid feels bad about such decision, feels guilty and tries to help his friend in any way possible. While trying to help he is meeting a guy, who is ex-cop and now down-on-his-luck drunk(played by Priyomykhov himself)... the two become friends. In the finale, the ex-cop has to go one of the PTA meeting at school (his mother could not get away from work and knows nothing about the ex-cop) where suddenly his mother appears and meets the "father"...

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