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Alberto Sordi
is best known for his work in Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines or How I Flew from London to Paris in 25 Hours 11 Minutes (1965).
Forbidden Encounters
Romanzo di un giovane povero
Nestore, l'ultima corsa
Assolto per aver commesso il fatto
Christmas Vacation '91
The Miser
Taste of Life
Un tassinaro a New York
I Am an ESP
Bertoldo, Bertoldino e Cacasenno
Tutti dentro
Il tassinaro
Journey with Papa
Io so che tu sai che io so
The Marquis of Grillo
Catherine and I
Traffic Jam
Where Are You Going on Holiday?
The Witness
Viva Italia!
An Average Little Man
A Common Sense of Modesty
Quelle strane occasioni
While There's War There's Hope
Anastasia mio fratello
The Most Wonderful Evening of My Life
The Scopone Game
The Flying Fox
Let's Have a Riot
Man and Wife
Il presidente del Borgorosso Football Club
Help Me, My Love
Medicine Italian Style
Be Sick… It's Free
Will Our Heroes Be Able to Find Their Friend Who Has Mysteriously Disappeared in Africa?
An Italian in America
I Nostri Mariti
Fumo Di Londra
Pardon, Are You for or Against?
The Three Faces
Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines or How I Flew from London to Paris in 25 Hours 11 Minutes
The Flying Saucer
My Wife
The Boom
To Bed or Not to Bed
The Teacher from Vigevano
The Police Commissioner
The Best of Enemies
A Difficult Life
Big Killing in Monte Carlo
Everybody Go Home!
The Traffic Policeman
Wildcats on the Beach
The Great War
The Magliari
The Moralist
Vacations in Majorca
The Widower
Il marito
Seventh Heaven
Domenica è sempre domenica
Ladro lui, ladra lei
Love on the Riviera
Venice, the Moon and You
Arrivano i dollari
Il conte Max
Guardia, Guardia Scelta, Brigadiere e Maresciallo
Mi permette babbo!
O.K. Nero
The Bachelor
Accadde al Penitenziario
The Art of Getting Along
La bella di Roma
Buonanotte... avvocato!
A Hero of Our Times
Piccola posta
I Pappagalli
Two Nights with Cleopatra
Accadde al commissariato
The Cheerful Squadron
An American in Rome
A Day in Court
Il matrimonio
Il seduttore
Tripoli, bel suol d'amore
Una parigina a Roma
Cavalcade of Song
I Vitelloni
The White Sheik
Toto and the King of Rome
È arrivato l'accordatore
Position Wanted
Mamma mia, che impressione!
La signorina
I tre aquilotti
Romanzo di un giovane povero
Nestore, l'ultima corsa
Assolto per aver commesso il fatto
Christmas Vacation '91
The Miser
Taste of Life
Un tassinaro a New York
I Am an ESP
Bertoldo, Bertoldino e Cacasenno
Tutti dentro
Il tassinaro
Journey with Papa
Io so che tu sai che io so
The Marquis of Grillo
Catherine and I
Traffic Jam
Where Are You Going on Holiday?
The Witness
Viva Italia!
An Average Little Man
A Common Sense of Modesty
Quelle strane occasioni
While There's War There's Hope
Anastasia mio fratello
The Most Wonderful Evening of My Life
The Scopone Game
The Flying Fox
Let's Have a Riot
Man and Wife
Il presidente del Borgorosso Football Club
Help Me, My Love
Medicine Italian Style
Be Sick… It's Free
Will Our Heroes Be Able to Find Their Friend Who Has Mysteriously Disappeared in Africa?
An Italian in America
I Nostri Mariti
Fumo Di Londra
Pardon, Are You for or Against?
The Three Faces
Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines or How I Flew from London to Paris in 25 Hours 11 Minutes
The Flying Saucer
My Wife
The Boom
To Bed or Not to Bed
The Teacher from Vigevano
The Police Commissioner
The Best of Enemies
A Difficult Life
Big Killing in Monte Carlo
Everybody Go Home!
The Traffic Policeman
Wildcats on the Beach
The Great War
The Magliari
The Moralist
Vacations in Majorca
The Widower
Il marito
Seventh Heaven
Domenica è sempre domenica
Ladro lui, ladra lei
Love on the Riviera
Venice, the Moon and You
Arrivano i dollari
Il conte Max
Guardia, Guardia Scelta, Brigadiere e Maresciallo
Mi permette babbo!
O.K. Nero
The Bachelor
Accadde al Penitenziario
The Art of Getting Along
La bella di Roma
Buonanotte... avvocato!
A Hero of Our Times
Piccola posta
I Pappagalli
Two Nights with Cleopatra
Accadde al commissariato
The Cheerful Squadron
An American in Rome
A Day in Court
Il matrimonio
Il seduttore
Tripoli, bel suol d'amore
Una parigina a Roma
Cavalcade of Song
I Vitelloni
The White Sheik
Toto and the King of Rome
È arrivato l'accordatore
Position Wanted
Mamma mia, che impressione!
La signorina
I tre aquilotti