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Alfred Cheung
is best known for his work in The Medallion (2003).
Love at Seventh Sight
He yue qing ren
Daai cheung foo 2
The Medallion
Fate Fighter
Liang ge du li bao zhuang de nu ren
Manhattan Midnight
Maniacal Night
Yes, I am Mr. Moumantai!
Chuen zik dai do
97 Jia you xi shi
Jing bian
Bodyguard of Last Emperor
Daai luk miu dik lui yan
Her Fatal Ways 4
Mang nu 72 xiao shi
Lamb Killer
Biao jie, ni hao ye! III zhi da ren jia dao
Gai shi ying xiong
Fei nui jing juen
My Americanized Wife
Pom Pom and Hot Hot
Freedom Run Q
Truant Hero
Talk to Me, Dicky
Summer Lover
The Banquet
Lo biu nei ho ye!
Biao jie, ni hao ye! xu ji
Na gen suo you quan
Gu huo da lu shi
A Tale from the East
Till Death Shall We Start
The Nocturnal Demon
Her Fatal Ways
Qiu ai ye jing hun
Spooky, Spooky
Shen tan fu zi bing
Paper Marriage
On the Run
One Husband Too Many
Biao cuo can
The Happy Bigamist
Shanghai Express
Liang gong po ba tiao xin
Fascinating Affairs
Biao cuo qi ri qing
Let's Have a Baby
Tian shi chu geng
Gwai jin
Family Light Affair
Mr. Virgin
Hua xin luo bo
Let's Make Laugh
Hong Kong Specialist
Ma liu guo hai
Wen zai de fei zao pao
Fu zi qing
The Story of Woo Viet
The Saviour