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Asao Koike
is best known for his work in Inferno of Torture (1969).
Swan Lake
Down with The Big Boss
Machine Gun Dragon
Noboru Ando's Sex and Escape Chronicle
Kigeki Daiyûkai
The Racketeer Ishimatsu
Great Jailbreak
Yakuza of the Present
Aesthetics of a Bullet
Modern Yakuza: Outlaw Killer
Queen Bee's Challenge
Mamushi no kyôdai: Chôeki jûsankai
Furyo gai
Nihon Aku Nin Den: Jigoku No Michizure
Animal Treasure Island
The Insatiable
A Modern Yakuza: Three Decoy Blood Brothers
A Modern Yakuza: Broken Code
Silk Hat Boss
The Wicked Priest 2: Ballad of Murder
Three Pretty Devils
The Revelation of a Geisha
Silk Hat Boss 2: The Short-Mustached Bear
Maruhi joshidai-ryô
The Wonderful World of Puss 'n Boots
Inferno of Torture
Kanto Woman's Bad Temper
History of the Shogun's Harem
Heart of Stone
Human Torpedoes
A History of the Japanese Underworld
Otoko no okite
A Certain Killer
A History of the Japsnese Underworld - The Bloody Resistance
Tôkyô shigai sen
Heiji, the Detective
The Black Gambler
A Man's Crest: We Kill
Kenju mushuku-datsy goku no buruusu
Sâtsujin sha o kêse
A Man's Crest: Fight Challenge
Surai no gyanburaa
Shin meoto zenzai
When the Snows Fill
Emblem of a Man
Zokû otoko no monshô
Yogiri no burûsu
Akai ka to roku denashi
Kenju no okite
Down with The Big Boss
Machine Gun Dragon
Noboru Ando's Sex and Escape Chronicle
Kigeki Daiyûkai
The Racketeer Ishimatsu
Great Jailbreak
Yakuza of the Present
Aesthetics of a Bullet
Modern Yakuza: Outlaw Killer
Queen Bee's Challenge
Mamushi no kyôdai: Chôeki jûsankai
Furyo gai
Nihon Aku Nin Den: Jigoku No Michizure
Animal Treasure Island
The Insatiable
A Modern Yakuza: Three Decoy Blood Brothers
A Modern Yakuza: Broken Code
Silk Hat Boss
The Wicked Priest 2: Ballad of Murder
Three Pretty Devils
The Revelation of a Geisha
Silk Hat Boss 2: The Short-Mustached Bear
Maruhi joshidai-ryô
The Wonderful World of Puss 'n Boots
Inferno of Torture
Kanto Woman's Bad Temper
History of the Shogun's Harem
Heart of Stone
Human Torpedoes
A History of the Japanese Underworld
Otoko no okite
A Certain Killer
A History of the Japsnese Underworld - The Bloody Resistance
Tôkyô shigai sen
Heiji, the Detective
The Black Gambler
A Man's Crest: We Kill
Kenju mushuku-datsy goku no buruusu
Sâtsujin sha o kêse
A Man's Crest: Fight Challenge
Surai no gyanburaa
Shin meoto zenzai
When the Snows Fill
Emblem of a Man
Zokû otoko no monshô
Yogiri no burûsu
Akai ka to roku denashi
Kenju no okite