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Ben F. Wilson
Crusaders of the West
A Woman's Justice
Bye, Bye, Buddy
China Slaver
Thundering Thompson
The Voice from the Sky
Girls Who Dare
The Saddle King
The Sheriff's Lash
The Old Code
Red Gold
His Last Bullet
Branding Fire
The Cowboy Prince
Don Juan of the West
The Fighting Stallion
The Mystery Brand
The Range Riders
Riders of the West
Speeding Hoofs
Western Courage
A Yellow Streak
Hell Hounds of the Plains
Saddle Jumpers
The Baited Trap
Officer '444'
Tentacles of the North
Lash of the Whip
Fort Frayne
A Ridin' Gent
West of the Law
Wolves of the Desert
Hi-Jacking Rustlers
Sheriff's Girl
He-Man's Country
The Cactus Cure
A Daughter of the Sioux
The Man from Lone Mountain
The Mystery Box
The Power God
Scar Hanan
Tonio, Son of the Sierras
Vic Dyson Pays
Wild Horse Canyon
The Riding Comet
The Human Tornado
Romance and Rustlers
The Strange Rider
A Two-Fisted Sheriff
White Thunder
The Fugitive
Renegade Holmes, M.D.
The Rip Snorter
Sand Blind
Warrior Gap
Where Romance Rides
Hearts of the West
Blasted Hopes
Branded a Bandit
California in '49
Come on Cowboys!
Days of '49
The Desert Hawk
Sell 'Em Cowboy
The Diamond Bandit
The Lash of Pinto Pete
Ridin' Mad
Horse Sense
Two Fisted Justice
Western Feuds
The Cowboy Prince
His Majesty the Outlaw
Notch Number One
At Devil's Gorge
The Devil's Dooryard
Mine to Keep
Other Men's Daughters
The Santa Fe Trail
Sting of the Scorpion
Spawn of the Desert
Sun Dog Trails
Back to Yellow Jacket
Chain Lightning
The Desert Bridegroom
The Desert's Crucible
One Eighth Apache
Under Orders
The Broken Spur
Cyclone Bliss
Dangerous Paths
Devil Dog Dawson
The Double O
The Man from Texas
Montana Bill
The Mysterious Pearl
A Yankee Go-Getter
A Motion to Adjourn
The Innocent Cheat
Hills of Hate
Dead or Alive
The Branded Four
A Man from Nowhere
The Screaming Shadow
Thunderbolt Jack
The Blue Bonnet
Castles in the Air
The Trail of the Octopus
When a Woman Strikes
The Brass Bullet
Even As You and I
The Mystery Ship
The Spindle of Life
The Voice on the Wire
The Mainspring
Who Will Marry Mary?
A Woman's Justice
Bye, Bye, Buddy
China Slaver
Thundering Thompson
The Voice from the Sky
Girls Who Dare
The Saddle King
The Sheriff's Lash
The Old Code
Red Gold
His Last Bullet
Branding Fire
The Cowboy Prince
Don Juan of the West
The Fighting Stallion
The Mystery Brand
The Range Riders
Riders of the West
Speeding Hoofs
Western Courage
A Yellow Streak
Hell Hounds of the Plains
Saddle Jumpers
The Baited Trap
Officer '444'
Tentacles of the North
Lash of the Whip
Fort Frayne
A Ridin' Gent
West of the Law
Wolves of the Desert
Hi-Jacking Rustlers
Sheriff's Girl
He-Man's Country
The Cactus Cure
A Daughter of the Sioux
The Man from Lone Mountain
The Mystery Box
The Power God
Scar Hanan
Tonio, Son of the Sierras
Vic Dyson Pays
Wild Horse Canyon
The Riding Comet
The Human Tornado
Romance and Rustlers
The Strange Rider
A Two-Fisted Sheriff
White Thunder
The Fugitive
Renegade Holmes, M.D.
The Rip Snorter
Sand Blind
Warrior Gap
Where Romance Rides
Hearts of the West
Blasted Hopes
Branded a Bandit
California in '49
Come on Cowboys!
Days of '49
The Desert Hawk
Sell 'Em Cowboy
The Diamond Bandit
The Lash of Pinto Pete
Ridin' Mad
Horse Sense
Two Fisted Justice
Western Feuds
The Cowboy Prince
His Majesty the Outlaw
Notch Number One
At Devil's Gorge
The Devil's Dooryard
Mine to Keep
Other Men's Daughters
The Santa Fe Trail
Sting of the Scorpion
Spawn of the Desert
Sun Dog Trails
Back to Yellow Jacket
Chain Lightning
The Desert Bridegroom
The Desert's Crucible
One Eighth Apache
Under Orders
The Broken Spur
Cyclone Bliss
Dangerous Paths
Devil Dog Dawson
The Double O
The Man from Texas
Montana Bill
The Mysterious Pearl
A Yankee Go-Getter
A Motion to Adjourn
The Innocent Cheat
Hills of Hate
Dead or Alive
The Branded Four
A Man from Nowhere
The Screaming Shadow
Thunderbolt Jack
The Blue Bonnet
Castles in the Air
The Trail of the Octopus
When a Woman Strikes
The Brass Bullet
Even As You and I
The Mystery Ship
The Spindle of Life
The Voice on the Wire
The Mainspring
Who Will Marry Mary?