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Bin Amatsu
Mangetsu: Mr. Moonlight
Tarao Bannai
Sonny Chiba's Dragon Princess
The Great Chase
Saburai: Way of the Bohachi
Ninkyô hana ichirin
Otoko no daimon
Zorome no san kyôdai
Bloodiest Flower
Trials of an Okinawa Village
Scratched Faces
Gamblers: The Drifter
Red Peony Gambler: Oryu's Return
Brave Red Flower of the North
Whipmaster: Ballad of Murder
The Return of the Desperado
Gokudo kyojo tabi
Red Peony Gambler: Second Generation Ceremony
Red Peony Gambler: Biographies of a Gambling Room
Otoko no shobu: byakko no tetsu
Human Torpedoes
Desperate Hoodlum
Tales of Japanese Chivalry: The Naked Blade of the Sakazuki
Samurai Wolf II
Naniwa kyokaku: dokyo shichinin giri
Ishimatsu the Yakuza: Something's Fishy
Gamblers: One Dragon
Froggo and Droggo
Sazen Tange and The Secret of the Urn
Nippon Chivalry: The Aggregate Struggle
Onmitsu Kenshi
The Spider-Man
Otorasan daihanjô
Hadairo no tsuki
Nonki fufu
Ashita no kôfuku
Yagate aozora
Tarao Bannai
Sonny Chiba's Dragon Princess
The Great Chase
Saburai: Way of the Bohachi
Ninkyô hana ichirin
Otoko no daimon
Zorome no san kyôdai
Bloodiest Flower
Trials of an Okinawa Village
Scratched Faces
Gamblers: The Drifter
Red Peony Gambler: Oryu's Return
Brave Red Flower of the North
Whipmaster: Ballad of Murder
The Return of the Desperado
Gokudo kyojo tabi
Red Peony Gambler: Second Generation Ceremony
Red Peony Gambler: Biographies of a Gambling Room
Otoko no shobu: byakko no tetsu
Human Torpedoes
Desperate Hoodlum
Tales of Japanese Chivalry: The Naked Blade of the Sakazuki
Samurai Wolf II
Naniwa kyokaku: dokyo shichinin giri
Ishimatsu the Yakuza: Something's Fishy
Gamblers: One Dragon
Froggo and Droggo
Sazen Tange and The Secret of the Urn
Nippon Chivalry: The Aggregate Struggle
Onmitsu Kenshi
The Spider-Man
Otorasan daihanjô
Hadairo no tsuki
Nonki fufu
Ashita no kôfuku
Yagate aozora