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Damiano Damiani
is best known for his work in Amityville II: The Possession (1982).
Assassini dei giorni di festa
Alex L'ariete
L'angelo con la pistola
Dark Sun
A Human Portrait
The Inquiry
Imago urbis
The Sicilian Connection
Amityville II: The Possession
The Warning
A Man on His Knees
Intelligence Clan
I Am Afraid
Perché si uccide un magistrato
A Genius, Two Partners and a Dupe
Il delitto Matteotti
The Devil Is a Woman
Girolimoni, the Monster of Rome
Confessions of a Police Captain
Lou yuk dai fung bou
The Most Beautiful Wife
A Rather Complicated Woman
A Bullet for the General
La Strega in Amore
The Empty Canvas
The Reunion
Arturo's Island
Blood Feud
The Cossacks
Red Lips
Cleopatra's Daughter
The Boatmen
Herod the Great
Head of a Tyrant
The Accomplices
Goddess of Love
I misteri di Parigi
Piovuto dal cielo
Uomini senza domani
Alex L'ariete
L'angelo con la pistola
Dark Sun
A Human Portrait
The Inquiry
Imago urbis
The Sicilian Connection
Amityville II: The Possession
The Warning
A Man on His Knees
Intelligence Clan
I Am Afraid
Perché si uccide un magistrato
A Genius, Two Partners and a Dupe
Il delitto Matteotti
The Devil Is a Woman
Girolimoni, the Monster of Rome
Confessions of a Police Captain
Lou yuk dai fung bou
The Most Beautiful Wife
A Rather Complicated Woman
A Bullet for the General
La Strega in Amore
The Empty Canvas
The Reunion
Arturo's Island
Blood Feud
The Cossacks
Red Lips
Cleopatra's Daughter
The Boatmen
Herod the Great
Head of a Tyrant
The Accomplices
Goddess of Love
I misteri di Parigi
Piovuto dal cielo
Uomini senza domani