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Don Taylor
is best known for his work in Damien: Omen II (1978).
The Final Countdown
Damien: Omen II
The Island of Dr. Moreau
Echoes of a Summer
The Great Scout & Cathouse Thursday
Tom Sawyer
Escape from the Planet of the Apes
My Name Is Trinity
Un Esercito Di 5 Uomini
Diamond Jack
Ride the Wild Surf
The Savage Guns
Everything's Ducky
Love Slaves of the Amazon
The Bold and the Brave
Ride the High Iron
Johnny Dark
The Men of Sherwood Forest
Sixty Saddles for Gobi
The Girls of Pleasure Island
Stalag 17
East is East
Father's Little Dividend
Devil Dogs of the Air
Submarine Command
Prisoner of War
Father of the Bride
For the Love of Mary
The Naked City
Damien: Omen II
The Island of Dr. Moreau
Echoes of a Summer
The Great Scout & Cathouse Thursday
Tom Sawyer
Escape from the Planet of the Apes
My Name Is Trinity
Un Esercito Di 5 Uomini
Diamond Jack
Ride the Wild Surf
The Savage Guns
Everything's Ducky
Love Slaves of the Amazon
The Bold and the Brave
Ride the High Iron
Johnny Dark
The Men of Sherwood Forest
Sixty Saddles for Gobi
The Girls of Pleasure Island
Stalag 17
East is East
Father's Little Dividend
Devil Dogs of the Air
Submarine Command
Prisoner of War
Father of the Bride
For the Love of Mary
The Naked City