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Edmund Purdom
is best known for his work in Pieces (1982).
Diritto di vivere
Fracchia Vs. Dracula
Killer vs Killers
Don't Open Till Christmas
L'altra donna
Lo scoiattolo
Poverto Cristo
Fifteen Year Old Captain
Frankenstein's Castle of Freaks
The Sinister Eyes of Dr. Orloff
From the Archives of the Criminal Police
Lucifera: Demonlover
The Satanists
America Our Home
Thomas and the Bewitched
The Queer... The Erotic
Wages of Sin
Naked England
Sweden: Heaven and Hell
Chrysanthemums for a Bunch of Swine
Piluk, the Timid One
Excuse Me, Do You Like Sex?
L'uomo Che Ride
Texas Jim
Charge of the Seventh Cavalry
The Last Ride to Santa Cruz
Contest Girl
The Last of the Vikings
Nefertiti, Queen of the Nile
Suleiman the Conqueror
The White Slave Ship
The Cossacks
Das große Wunschkonzert
The Loves of Salammbo
Fury of the Pagans
L’ultimo zar
Herod the Great
Agguato a Tangeri
Strange Intruder
The King's Thief
The Prodigal
The Student Prince
Fracchia Vs. Dracula
Killer vs Killers
Don't Open Till Christmas
L'altra donna
Lo scoiattolo
Poverto Cristo
Fifteen Year Old Captain
Frankenstein's Castle of Freaks
The Sinister Eyes of Dr. Orloff
From the Archives of the Criminal Police
Lucifera: Demonlover
The Satanists
America Our Home
Thomas and the Bewitched
The Queer... The Erotic
Wages of Sin
Naked England
Sweden: Heaven and Hell
Chrysanthemums for a Bunch of Swine
Piluk, the Timid One
Excuse Me, Do You Like Sex?
L'uomo Che Ride
Texas Jim
Charge of the Seventh Cavalry
The Last Ride to Santa Cruz
Contest Girl
The Last of the Vikings
Nefertiti, Queen of the Nile
Suleiman the Conqueror
The White Slave Ship
The Cossacks
Das große Wunschkonzert
The Loves of Salammbo
Fury of the Pagans
L’ultimo zar
Herod the Great
Agguato a Tangeri
Strange Intruder
The King's Thief
The Prodigal
The Student Prince