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Eiji Gô
Fossilized Wilderness
Yojôhan seishun garasu-bari
Graveyard of Honor
Bullet Train
Great Jailbreak
Karate Bear Fighter
Dai dâtsu gokû
The Executioner II: Karate Inferno
The Executioner
Zero Woman: Red Handcuffs
The Four Roughnecks
The Ando Gang Documentary Film
Kôkôsei burai hikae: Kanjirû Muramasa
Yakuza Skirmishes
Secret Zone of Tokyo
Blood For Blood
Expelled from the Kanto Mob
Boryukudan norikomû
Sign of the Jack
Stray Cat Rock: Machine Animal
Showdown in Gangland
Yakuza wataridori: Akutôkagyô
The Elder Sister
Rising Dragon's Soft Fair Skin
Shikakû rêtsuden
Nihon zankyô-den
Sukeban: Jingi-yaburi
Onna no tehaishi: Ikebukuro no yoru
Hana o kuu mushi
Kaerazeru hatoba
Cat Girls Gamblers: Abandoned Fangs of Triumph
Love Eternal
The Devil's Left Hand
Three She-Cats
Yarô ni kokkyô wa nai
Gambling Kitten
Nageta dice ga asu o yobu
A Man's Crest: We Kill
Black Gambler: Murderous Dice
Kenju mushuku-datsy goku no buruusu
The Dragon of Macao
Sâtsu rarete tama ruka (II)
Living as a Wolf
Izu Dancer
Yogiri no burûsu
Sugata naki tsuisekisha
The Rambler Goes North
Tôkyô gozen-reiji
Arashi o tsukkiru jetto-ki
Rokudenashi yarô
Taiyo umi o sômeru tokî
The Warped Ones
Datô - Knock Down
Yojôhan seishun garasu-bari
Graveyard of Honor
Bullet Train
Great Jailbreak
Karate Bear Fighter
Dai dâtsu gokû
The Executioner II: Karate Inferno
The Executioner
Zero Woman: Red Handcuffs
The Four Roughnecks
The Ando Gang Documentary Film
Kôkôsei burai hikae: Kanjirû Muramasa
Yakuza Skirmishes
Secret Zone of Tokyo
Blood For Blood
Expelled from the Kanto Mob
Boryukudan norikomû
Sign of the Jack
Stray Cat Rock: Machine Animal
Showdown in Gangland
Yakuza wataridori: Akutôkagyô
The Elder Sister
Rising Dragon's Soft Fair Skin
Shikakû rêtsuden
Nihon zankyô-den
Sukeban: Jingi-yaburi
Onna no tehaishi: Ikebukuro no yoru
Hana o kuu mushi
Kaerazeru hatoba
Cat Girls Gamblers: Abandoned Fangs of Triumph
Love Eternal
The Devil's Left Hand
Three She-Cats
Yarô ni kokkyô wa nai
Gambling Kitten
Nageta dice ga asu o yobu
A Man's Crest: We Kill
Black Gambler: Murderous Dice
Kenju mushuku-datsy goku no buruusu
The Dragon of Macao
Sâtsu rarete tama ruka (II)
Living as a Wolf
Izu Dancer
Yogiri no burûsu
Sugata naki tsuisekisha
The Rambler Goes North
Tôkyô gozen-reiji
Arashi o tsukkiru jetto-ki
Rokudenashi yarô
Taiyo umi o sômeru tokî
The Warped Ones
Datô - Knock Down