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Gérard Landry
The House of Mature Apples
La morte scorre sul fiume
Forbidden Hours
Death on a Rainy Day
Seven Pistols for a Gringo
La barca sin pescador
Sword of Rebellion
Blood and Defiance
The Defeat of the Barbarians
Caravan petrol
Knight Without a Country
The Black Archer
The Kings of France
Avventura in città
The Pirate of the Black Hawk
Kean: Genius or Scoundrel
The Black Devil
Orizzonte infuocato
Solo Dio mi fermerà
La rivale
The Violent Patriot
The Mysterious Swordsman
Tua per la vita
Cento serenate
La fille perdue
The Lovers of Toledo
Canzone appassionata
The Slave
The Hunt
The Blonde Gypsy
Le club des 400 coups
L'étrange amazone
Une enfant dans la tourmente
Pirate Submarine
Sérénade au bourreau
La nuit s'achève
Béatrice Devant le Désir
Cap au large
Les hommes sans peur
La morte scorre sul fiume
Forbidden Hours
Death on a Rainy Day
Seven Pistols for a Gringo
La barca sin pescador
Sword of Rebellion
Blood and Defiance
The Defeat of the Barbarians
Caravan petrol
Knight Without a Country
The Black Archer
The Kings of France
Avventura in città
The Pirate of the Black Hawk
Kean: Genius or Scoundrel
The Black Devil
Orizzonte infuocato
Solo Dio mi fermerà
La rivale
The Violent Patriot
The Mysterious Swordsman
Tua per la vita
Cento serenate
La fille perdue
The Lovers of Toledo
Canzone appassionata
The Slave
The Hunt
The Blonde Gypsy
Le club des 400 coups
L'étrange amazone
Une enfant dans la tourmente
Pirate Submarine
Sérénade au bourreau
La nuit s'achève
Béatrice Devant le Désir
Cap au large
Les hommes sans peur