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Hiroyuki Nagato
Yume no mani mani
The Oil-Hell Murder
Sawako no koi
Sudachi no toki kyoiku wa shinazu
At Noon
Jingi to kôsô
Isho: Shiroi shôjo
Baajin buruusu
The Red Lantern
Virgin Blues
Organized Crime: Killer's Glory
A Scarred Life 2: Blood Will Tell
Appointment with Danger
Bakuto mujô
Nihon zan kyôsen
Penitentiary Brothers
New Prison Walls of Abashiri
Kigeki meoto zenzai
Tales of Japanese Chivalry: The Naked Blade of the Sakazuki
Ârappoi no ha gômen dazê
Silence Has No Wings
Trump Card of a Man's Face
The Actress vs. the Greedy Sharks
Dai Nippon hattariden
Ninkyo otoko ippiki
The Japanese Yakuza
Kakedashi keiji
Haikei sôri daijin sama
Jinsei gekijo: Shin Hishakaku
Twin Sisters of Kyoto
Young Swordsman
Bad Reputation of the Big Three
Dear His Majesty
Life of Hishakaku 2
Akitsu Springs
The Outcast
I Hate But Love
Danger Pays
Ai to shi no katami
Pigs and Battleships
Dôdôtaru jinsei
Sûkettô kagyô
Smashing the 0-Line
The Sleeping Beast Within
The Warped Ones
Kizû darakê no ôkite
My Second Brother
Sono Kabe O Kudake
Immoral Lecture
Dai san no shikaku
The Age of Our Own
Yuganda tsuki
Endless Desire
Stolen Desire
Yarô to ôgon
The Eagle and the Hawk
Hangyaku sha
Judai no wanâ
Kaietu taka-dainihen honryuu doto na maki
Gin shinju
Season of the Sun
Ningen gyorai shutsugekisu
Okinawa no Tami
Teruhi kumoruhi (zenpen)
Kaiketu taka - daiipen karyufuun no maki
Kaiketu taka-daisanhen honryuu doto
Children Hand in Hand
Victory Song
The Oil-Hell Murder
Sawako no koi
Sudachi no toki kyoiku wa shinazu
At Noon
Jingi to kôsô
Isho: Shiroi shôjo
Baajin buruusu
The Red Lantern
Virgin Blues
Organized Crime: Killer's Glory
A Scarred Life 2: Blood Will Tell
Appointment with Danger
Bakuto mujô
Nihon zan kyôsen
Penitentiary Brothers
New Prison Walls of Abashiri
Kigeki meoto zenzai
Tales of Japanese Chivalry: The Naked Blade of the Sakazuki
Ârappoi no ha gômen dazê
Silence Has No Wings
Trump Card of a Man's Face
The Actress vs. the Greedy Sharks
Dai Nippon hattariden
Ninkyo otoko ippiki
The Japanese Yakuza
Kakedashi keiji
Haikei sôri daijin sama
Jinsei gekijo: Shin Hishakaku
Twin Sisters of Kyoto
Young Swordsman
Bad Reputation of the Big Three
Dear His Majesty
Life of Hishakaku 2
Akitsu Springs
The Outcast
I Hate But Love
Danger Pays
Ai to shi no katami
Pigs and Battleships
Dôdôtaru jinsei
Sûkettô kagyô
Smashing the 0-Line
The Sleeping Beast Within
The Warped Ones
Kizû darakê no ôkite
My Second Brother
Sono Kabe O Kudake
Immoral Lecture
Dai san no shikaku
The Age of Our Own
Yuganda tsuki
Endless Desire
Stolen Desire
Yarô to ôgon
The Eagle and the Hawk
Hangyaku sha
Judai no wanâ
Kaietu taka-dainihen honryuu doto na maki
Gin shinju
Season of the Sun
Ningen gyorai shutsugekisu
Okinawa no Tami
Teruhi kumoruhi (zenpen)
Kaiketu taka - daiipen karyufuun no maki
Kaiketu taka-daisanhen honryuu doto
Children Hand in Hand
Victory Song