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Hisako Tsukuba
is best known for her work in The Spawning (1981).
The Spirit Realm
Forever and Beyond
The Spawning
Tender Loving Care
The Golden Bat
Kono michi akashingô
Judo ichidai
Doku aru aibu
Yumin-gai no Judan
Sazen Tange: Masterpiece Sword
Daikichi bonnô kagami
Himayala mushuku - Shinzo yaburi no yaro domo
Hachi-nin me no teki
Kimi wa nêra wârete irû
The Guitarist from the Sea
Keiji monogatari: Koroshi o agero
Umi no wanâ
Zero bângai no ôkami
Mighty Rules
Kizû tsukeru yajû
Chibusa to jûdan
Escape from the Wall of Death
Roar of the City
Fukushû wa dare ga yaru
Moeru nikutai
Nikutai no akuma
Kurutta kankei
Piranha JPN: Teeth of the Piranha
Piranha Rising
Forever and Beyond
The Spawning
Tender Loving Care
The Golden Bat
Kono michi akashingô
Judo ichidai
Doku aru aibu
Yumin-gai no Judan
Sazen Tange: Masterpiece Sword
Daikichi bonnô kagami
Himayala mushuku - Shinzo yaburi no yaro domo
Hachi-nin me no teki
Kimi wa nêra wârete irû
The Guitarist from the Sea
Keiji monogatari: Koroshi o agero
Umi no wanâ
Zero bângai no ôkami
Mighty Rules
Kizû tsukeru yajû
Chibusa to jûdan
Escape from the Wall of Death
Roar of the City
Fukushû wa dare ga yaru
Moeru nikutai
Nikutai no akuma
Kurutta kankei
Piranha JPN: Teeth of the Piranha
Piranha Rising