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Howard Vernon
is best known for his work in Le Silence de la Mer (1949).
Le complexe de Toulon
Bad Terms, Good Reports
Angel of Death
Howl of the Devil
Las tribulaciones de un Buda Bizco
Trip to Bangkok, Coffin included
The Man Who Killed Mengele
El siniestro doctor Orloff
Zombie 5: Revenge in the House of Usher
Blood on My Shoes
Loin de Manhattan
Zombie Lake
L'appât du gain
Women in Cellblock 9
Le Théâtre des matières
Seven Women for Satan
Les Intrigues de Sylvia Couski
Countess Perverse
Fun for Three
The Sexcapades of Celestine
The Erotic Adventures of Frankenstein
Dracula: Prisoner of Frankenstein
Vibrating Girls
Daughter of Dracula
The French Sex Murders
Sex Charade
Sie tötete in Ekstase
Love Life of the Invisible Man
In the Castle of Bloody Desires
Only a Coffin
The Diabolical Dr. Z
The Mad Dog
Train D'enfer
Black Angel of the Mississippi
Autopsy of a Criminal
The Awful Dr. Orlof
The Sadistic Baron Von Klaus
Zorro the Avenger
La spada della vendetta
Interpol contre X (Dossier AST-555)
The River of Three Junks
La melodía misteriosa
Alerte aux Canaries
El fugitivo de Amberes
Opération tonnerre
Mr. Scrupule, Gangster
Poison Ivy
Le petit Jacques
The Girl in the Bikini
Secret Document: Vienna
Le Silence de la Mer
Bad Terms, Good Reports
Angel of Death
Howl of the Devil
Las tribulaciones de un Buda Bizco
Trip to Bangkok, Coffin included
The Man Who Killed Mengele
El siniestro doctor Orloff
Zombie 5: Revenge in the House of Usher
Blood on My Shoes
Loin de Manhattan
Zombie Lake
L'appât du gain
Women in Cellblock 9
Le Théâtre des matières
Seven Women for Satan
Les Intrigues de Sylvia Couski
Countess Perverse
Fun for Three
The Sexcapades of Celestine
The Erotic Adventures of Frankenstein
Dracula: Prisoner of Frankenstein
Vibrating Girls
Daughter of Dracula
The French Sex Murders
Sex Charade
Sie tötete in Ekstase
Love Life of the Invisible Man
In the Castle of Bloody Desires
Only a Coffin
The Diabolical Dr. Z
The Mad Dog
Train D'enfer
Black Angel of the Mississippi
Autopsy of a Criminal
The Awful Dr. Orlof
The Sadistic Baron Von Klaus
Zorro the Avenger
La spada della vendetta
Interpol contre X (Dossier AST-555)
The River of Three Junks
La melodía misteriosa
Alerte aux Canaries
El fugitivo de Amberes
Opération tonnerre
Mr. Scrupule, Gangster
Poison Ivy
Le petit Jacques
The Girl in the Bikini
Secret Document: Vienna
Le Silence de la Mer