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José Mojica Marins
is best known for his work in This Night I'll Possess Your Corpse (1967).
Dark Fables
Memórias da Boca
A praga
Mr. Sganzerla: Os Signos da Luz
Devil's Reincarnation
A Marca do Terrir
Dr. Bartolomeu e a Clínica do Sexo
Wild Torture - The Grid
Coffin Joe Tales
Dama de Paus
48 Hours of Hallucinatory Sex
As Bellas da Billings
Dr. Frank na Clínica das Taras
Hour of Fear
24 horas de Sexo Explícito
Fifth Dimension of Sex
A Encarnação do Demônio
The Plague
World Market of Sex
A Mulher Que Põe a Pomba no Ar
A Deusa de Mármore
Hellish Flesh
The Abyss
The Vampire of the Cinemateque
Strange Hostel of Naked Pleasures
Consoling Widows
As Mulheres do Sexo Violento
The Bloody Exorcism of Coffin Joe
The Virgin and the Tough Guy
When the Gods Fall Asleep
D'Gajão Mata Para Vingar
Sex and Blood on Treasure Trail
End of Man
The Prophet of Hunger
The Godless Bandit
The Strange World of Coffin Joe
Trilogy of Terror
This Night I'll Possess Your Corpse
The Devil in Old Town
At Midnight I Will Take Your Soul
My Destiny is in Your Hands
Adventurer's Fate
Memórias da Boca
A praga
Mr. Sganzerla: Os Signos da Luz
Devil's Reincarnation
A Marca do Terrir
Dr. Bartolomeu e a Clínica do Sexo
Wild Torture - The Grid
Coffin Joe Tales
Dama de Paus
48 Hours of Hallucinatory Sex
As Bellas da Billings
Dr. Frank na Clínica das Taras
Hour of Fear
24 horas de Sexo Explícito
Fifth Dimension of Sex
A Encarnação do Demônio
The Plague
World Market of Sex
A Mulher Que Põe a Pomba no Ar
A Deusa de Mármore
Hellish Flesh
The Abyss
The Vampire of the Cinemateque
Strange Hostel of Naked Pleasures
Consoling Widows
As Mulheres do Sexo Violento
The Bloody Exorcism of Coffin Joe
The Virgin and the Tough Guy
When the Gods Fall Asleep
D'Gajão Mata Para Vingar
Sex and Blood on Treasure Trail
End of Man
The Prophet of Hunger
The Godless Bandit
The Strange World of Coffin Joe
Trilogy of Terror
This Night I'll Possess Your Corpse
The Devil in Old Town
At Midnight I Will Take Your Soul
My Destiny is in Your Hands
Adventurer's Fate