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Livio Lorenzon
Crime Story
Chrysanthemums for a Bunch of Swine
A Rope for a Bastard
Io non protesto, io amo
Buckaroo: The Winchester Does Not Forgive
Challenge of the Gladiator
The Son of Cleopatra
Hercules Against Rome
Hercules and the Tyrants of Babylon
Messalina Against the Son of Hercules
The Spartan Gladiator
Revenge of the Gladiators
Zorro and the Three Musketeers
Sword in the Shadows
Gladiators 7
Revolt of the Mercenaries
The Secret of the Black Falcon
Guns of the Black Witch
The Invincible Gladiator
The Vengeance of Ursus
The Mercenaries
Terror of the Red Mask
Knight of 100 Faces
Pirates of the Coast
The Queen of the Pirates
Fury of the Pagans
Cavalcata selvaggia
The Black Archer
The Widower
Anche l'inferno trema
Ombre su Trieste
Chrysanthemums for a Bunch of Swine
A Rope for a Bastard
Io non protesto, io amo
Buckaroo: The Winchester Does Not Forgive
Challenge of the Gladiator
The Son of Cleopatra
Hercules Against Rome
Hercules and the Tyrants of Babylon
Messalina Against the Son of Hercules
The Spartan Gladiator
Revenge of the Gladiators
Zorro and the Three Musketeers
Sword in the Shadows
Gladiators 7
Revolt of the Mercenaries
The Secret of the Black Falcon
Guns of the Black Witch
The Invincible Gladiator
The Vengeance of Ursus
The Mercenaries
Terror of the Red Mask
Knight of 100 Faces
Pirates of the Coast
The Queen of the Pirates
Fury of the Pagans
Cavalcata selvaggia
The Black Archer
The Widower
Anche l'inferno trema
Ombre su Trieste