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Loletta Lee
is best known for her work in Sex and Zen II (1996).
Red River
Zhen xin te jing
Piao hu nan nv
Ngo oi yat luk got
Esprit D'Amour
Qi hao cha guan
Killing End
Sexy Undercover Angels
Once Upon a Time in Triad Society
Sex and Zen II
Xue xing Friday
Ma lo ying hung II: Fei fat choi che
Deep in Night
Spirit of Love
Girls Unbutton
Why Wild Girls
Young Wisely II
Remains of a Woman
Crazy Love
Angel of the Road
Ren gui pai dang
Pink Bomb
Young Wisely I
It's a Mad, Mad, Mad World Too!
Pom Pom and Hot Hot
Summer Lover
Musical Corpse
Off Track
Forbidden Arsenal
Saga of the Phoenix
Haunted Jail House
Chicken à la Queen
Fu gui zai san po ren
The Wild Ones
The Return of the Mad, Mad, Mad World
Mr. Vampire Saga Four
It's a Mad, Mad, Mad World Part One
Gui ma jiao yuan
Final Victory
Chi sam dik ngoh
Luen oi gwai tsit
The Flying Mr. B
The Isle of Fantasy
Wei ni zhong qing
Crazy Games
Everlasting Love
Before Dawn
Kai xin gui
Sheng dan kuai le
Red River
Zhen xin te jing
Piao hu nan nv
Ngo oi yat luk got
Esprit D'Amour
Qi hao cha guan
Killing End
Sexy Undercover Angels
Once Upon a Time in Triad Society
Sex and Zen II
Xue xing Friday
Ma lo ying hung II: Fei fat choi che
Deep in Night
Spirit of Love
Girls Unbutton
Why Wild Girls
Young Wisely II
Remains of a Woman
Crazy Love
Angel of the Road
Ren gui pai dang
Pink Bomb
Young Wisely I
It's a Mad, Mad, Mad World Too!
Pom Pom and Hot Hot
Summer Lover
Musical Corpse
Off Track
Forbidden Arsenal
Saga of the Phoenix
Haunted Jail House
Chicken à la Queen
Fu gui zai san po ren
The Wild Ones
The Return of the Mad, Mad, Mad World
Mr. Vampire Saga Four
It's a Mad, Mad, Mad World Part One
Gui ma jiao yuan
Final Victory
Chi sam dik ngoh
Luen oi gwai tsit
The Flying Mr. B
The Isle of Fantasy
Wei ni zhong qing
Crazy Games
Everlasting Love
Before Dawn
Kai xin gui
Sheng dan kuai le