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Michiko Saga
The War of the 16 Year Olds
Yakuza hijoshi-chi no kechaku
Yakuza hijoshi-chi no sakazuki
A History of the Japsnese Underworld - The Bloody Resistance
Shin yûkyôden
Prison Walls of Abashiri, Part 2
Sleepy Eyes of Death: Sword of Satan
Game of Chance
Tange Sazen
Akumyo ichiba
The Body
Love, Thy Name Be Sorrow
Edo e hyaku-nana-jû ri
Bitter End of a Sweet Night
Onna no hashi
Zoku kotsumanankin: Okyô no maki
Senryo garasu
Asayake gumo no ketto
Edo yumin den
The Hidden Treasure
Akatsuki no jindaiko
The Gallant on the Highway
Dai Tokyo tanjo - Oedo no kane
Kunisada Chûji
Orizuru sandogasa
The Curse of the Silver Snake
The Eye of Heaven
Bijo komori
Jirochô gaiden: Ishimatsu to oiwake sangorô
Zoku nitôhei monogatari: Kessen taisei no maki
Rindo garasu
Totamonô to wakadanna
The Vassal's Neck
Nezumi-kozo iro zange tsuki yozakura
Yakuza hijoshi-chi no kechaku
Yakuza hijoshi-chi no sakazuki
A History of the Japsnese Underworld - The Bloody Resistance
Shin yûkyôden
Prison Walls of Abashiri, Part 2
Sleepy Eyes of Death: Sword of Satan
Game of Chance
Tange Sazen
Akumyo ichiba
The Body
Love, Thy Name Be Sorrow
Edo e hyaku-nana-jû ri
Bitter End of a Sweet Night
Onna no hashi
Zoku kotsumanankin: Okyô no maki
Senryo garasu
Asayake gumo no ketto
Edo yumin den
The Hidden Treasure
Akatsuki no jindaiko
The Gallant on the Highway
Dai Tokyo tanjo - Oedo no kane
Kunisada Chûji
Orizuru sandogasa
The Curse of the Silver Snake
The Eye of Heaven
Bijo komori
Jirochô gaiden: Ishimatsu to oiwake sangorô
Zoku nitôhei monogatari: Kessen taisei no maki
Rindo garasu
Totamonô to wakadanna
The Vassal's Neck
Nezumi-kozo iro zange tsuki yozakura