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Mu Chu
is best known for her work in Cub Tiger from Kwang Tung (1973).
Mary from Beijing
A Terra-Cotta Warrior
Great Shanghai 1937
Disciples Of Shaolin
Dai dai feng liu dai dai chun, Di san zhi shou
Hello Sexy Late Homecomers
Con Artists
The Lady Killer
Elmo Takes a Bride
Snake Shadow, Lama Fist
It's All in the Family
No End of Surprises
Chau man
Cub Tiger from Kwang Tung
Eagle Shadow Fist
The Heroine
Dirty Chan
The Delightful Forest
Chase Down
Crimes Are to Be Paid
Miu dik tit qui cheung
Blues in the Dream
The Living Sword
Her Vengeance
Luk yam gei ching saai ngon
The King's Sword
The Unknown Swordsman
Tiu lung
The Eagle's Claw
The Royal Seal
San ging do
A Pearl in Command
Jade Dragon
To Kill a Rover
Flower Drums of Fung Yang
The Commander Underground
The 14th Daughter of Hsin Family
Trouble on the Wedding Night
Jin jian meng
My Lucky Star
The Seven Fairies
Lily of the Valley
The Male Bride
A Fine Romance
Ge qiang yan shi
Huan wo zi you
Yun kai jian yue ming
Dreams Come True
Street Boys
A Shot in the Dark
East Flows the River
The Malayan Affair
The Secret of Miss Pai
Song from a Haunted House
The Pink Murder
The Long Voyage Home
A Romantic Lady
Ying yan xi chun
The Girl with a Thousand Faces
The Story of Yuan Yuan Hong
Red Lantern
Story of Lu Siniang