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Nino Manfredi
is best known for his work in The Adventures of Pinocchio (1972).
The End of a Mystery
L'apetta Giulia e la signora Vita
Una milanese a Roma
La carbonara
Grazie Di Tutto
Moon Shadow
Alberto Express
In nome del popolo sovrano
Secondo Ponzio Pilato
The Rogues
Department Store
Il tenente dei carabinieri
This and That
Spaghetti House
Head or Tails
Portrait of a Nude Woman
Café Express
A Dangerous Toy
The Payoff
In the Name of the Pope King
Quelle strane occasioni
Goodnight, Ladies and Gentlemen
Basta che non si sappia in giro!..
Eye of the Cat
Bread and Chocolate
We All Loved Each Other So Much
Girolimoni, the Monster of Rome
We'll Call Him Andrea
The Adventures of Pinocchio
In Love, Every Pleasure Has Its Pain
Between Miracles
Let's Have a Riot
There's No Business Like War Business
The Conspirators
Vedo nudo
Italian Secret Service
Torture Me But Kill Me with Kisses
Every Man's Woman
Head of the Family
Adulterio all'italiana
Treasure of San Gennaro
The Dolls
I complessi
Let's Talk About Men
High Infidelity
The Executioner
La parmigiana
I cuori infranti
In Italia si chiama amore
L'amore difficile
Roaring Years
I motorizzati
On the Tiger's Back
The Policeman on Horseback
Big Killing in Monte Carlo
Le pillole di Ercole
Caporale di giornata
Carmela è una bambola
Maid, Thief and Guard
The Bachelor
L'apetta Giulia e la signora Vita
Una milanese a Roma
La carbonara
Grazie Di Tutto
Moon Shadow
Alberto Express
In nome del popolo sovrano
Secondo Ponzio Pilato
The Rogues
Department Store
Il tenente dei carabinieri
This and That
Spaghetti House
Head or Tails
Portrait of a Nude Woman
Café Express
A Dangerous Toy
The Payoff
In the Name of the Pope King
Quelle strane occasioni
Goodnight, Ladies and Gentlemen
Basta che non si sappia in giro!..
Eye of the Cat
Bread and Chocolate
We All Loved Each Other So Much
Girolimoni, the Monster of Rome
We'll Call Him Andrea
The Adventures of Pinocchio
In Love, Every Pleasure Has Its Pain
Between Miracles
Let's Have a Riot
There's No Business Like War Business
The Conspirators
Vedo nudo
Italian Secret Service
Torture Me But Kill Me with Kisses
Every Man's Woman
Head of the Family
Adulterio all'italiana
Treasure of San Gennaro
The Dolls
I complessi
Let's Talk About Men
High Infidelity
The Executioner
La parmigiana
I cuori infranti
In Italia si chiama amore
L'amore difficile
Roaring Years
I motorizzati
On the Tiger's Back
The Policeman on Horseback
Big Killing in Monte Carlo
Le pillole di Ercole
Caporale di giornata
Carmela è una bambola
Maid, Thief and Guard
The Bachelor