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Pyotr Velyaminov
En un claroscuro de la luna
I Saw You First
Zalozhniki dyavola
Prosti nas, machekha-Rossiya
V znak protesta
Souvenir for the Prosecutor
Sreda obitaniya
Vstretimsya v metro
55 gradusov nizhe nulya
The Secret Agent’s End
Zheleznoe pole
Znayu tolko ya
I prekrasnyy mig pobedy
Vstrecha v kontse zimy
Нас венчали не в церкви
Yaroslav the Wise
The Secret Agent's Return
Urgent... Secret... CheKa
Night Accident
At the Beginning of the Game
Otstavnoy Kozy Barabanshchik
Protiv techeniya
Pirates of the XXth Century
Дым Отечества
Takiye zhe, kak my!
Opasnye druzya
Na gore stoit gora
A Sweet Woman
Voskresnaya noch'
Gonki bez finisha
Pyl pod solntsem
Here Is Our House
Starling and Lyre
The Captain of the Lucky 'Pike'
I Saw You First
Zalozhniki dyavola
Prosti nas, machekha-Rossiya
V znak protesta
Souvenir for the Prosecutor
Sreda obitaniya
Vstretimsya v metro
55 gradusov nizhe nulya
The Secret Agent’s End
Zheleznoe pole
Znayu tolko ya
I prekrasnyy mig pobedy
Vstrecha v kontse zimy
Нас венчали не в церкви
Yaroslav the Wise
The Secret Agent's Return
Urgent... Secret... CheKa
Night Accident
At the Beginning of the Game
Otstavnoy Kozy Barabanshchik
Protiv techeniya
Pirates of the XXth Century
Дым Отечества
Takiye zhe, kak my!
Opasnye druzya
Na gore stoit gora
A Sweet Woman
Voskresnaya noch'
Gonki bez finisha
Pyl pod solntsem
Here Is Our House
Starling and Lyre
The Captain of the Lucky 'Pike'