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Seinosuke Hayashi
Shadows of Darkness
The Skull Coin
Ginpei the Untamed
Edojo endo
Sengoku kitan: Kimagure kaja
Mito Kômon: Dai-nihen - Missho no maki
Mito Kômon: Rai Kunitsugu no maki
Budo taikan
Gantarô kaidô
The Elegant Swordsman
A Migrating Bird's Souvenirs of the Kiso Valley
Hotta Hayato
Hôrimono kigu
The Tattooed Gambler
Travels Under the Blue Sky
Kentatsu's Vengeance
In Search of Mother
Mizûno jurôzaemon
Kinteki Rikitaro
Kaigyaku sanrôshi
Umon torimonochô - Samban tegara
Kohan no tozoku
Appearance of the Boy Genji
Beyond the Spring Wind
Nigeyuku Kodenji
Ehon mushashugyo
Miyamoto Musashi
Zoku Banka jigoku: Dai nihen
Goronbô jidai
Oshidori tabinikki
Ginbyô Samon
Aizô Ketsurui
Genji kozo
Hiyodori soshi daisanpen
The Skull Coin
Ginpei the Untamed
Edojo endo
Sengoku kitan: Kimagure kaja
Mito Kômon: Dai-nihen - Missho no maki
Mito Kômon: Rai Kunitsugu no maki
Budo taikan
Gantarô kaidô
The Elegant Swordsman
A Migrating Bird's Souvenirs of the Kiso Valley
Hotta Hayato
Hôrimono kigu
The Tattooed Gambler
Travels Under the Blue Sky
Kentatsu's Vengeance
In Search of Mother
Mizûno jurôzaemon
Kinteki Rikitaro
Kaigyaku sanrôshi
Umon torimonochô - Samban tegara
Kohan no tozoku
Appearance of the Boy Genji
Beyond the Spring Wind
Nigeyuku Kodenji
Ehon mushashugyo
Miyamoto Musashi
Zoku Banka jigoku: Dai nihen
Goronbô jidai
Oshidori tabinikki
Ginbyô Samon
Aizô Ketsurui
Genji kozo
Hiyodori soshi daisanpen