Seinosuke Hayashi


Shadows of Darkness
The Skull Coin (missing thumbnail, image: /images/cache/22018.jpg)
The Skull Coin
Ginpei the Untamed
Edojo endo
Sengoku kitan: Kimagure kaja
Mito Kômon: Dai-nihen - Missho no maki
Mito Kômon: Rai Kunitsugu no maki
Budo taikan
Gantarô kaidô
The Elegant Swordsman
A Migrating Bird's Souvenirs of the Kiso Valley
Hotta Hayato
Hôrimono kigu
The Tattooed Gambler
Travels Under the Blue Sky
Kentatsu's Vengeance
In Search of Mother (missing thumbnail, image: /images/cache/3799.jpg)
In Search of Mother
Mizûno jurôzaemon
Kinteki Rikitaro
Kaigyaku sanrôshi
Umon torimonochô - Samban tegara
Kohan no tozoku
Appearance of the Boy Genji
Beyond the Spring Wind
Nigeyuku Kodenji
Ehon mushashugyo
Miyamoto Musashi
Zoku Banka jigoku: Dai nihen
Goronbô jidai
Oshidori tabinikki
Ginbyô Samon
Aizô Ketsurui
Genji kozo
Hiyodori soshi daisanpen