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Sessue Hayakawa
The Big Wave
Green Mansions
The Geisha Boy
The Bridge on the River Kwai
Nihon yaburezu
Kurama Tengu to Katsu Kaishû
47 Vendettas
Higeki no shôgun: Yamashita Tomoyuki
Harukanari haha no kuni
Les Misérables: Gods and Demons
Les Misérables: Flag of Love and Liberty
Three Came Home
Tokyo Joe
Quartier chinois
Le cabaret du grand large
Le soleil de minuit
Mask of Korea
Patrouille blanche
Tempête sur l'Asie
The Daughter of the Samurai
Tôjin Okichi
Kuni o mamoru mono: Nichiren
Bakugeki hikôtai
The Sun Rise from the East
Daughter of the Dragon
The Danger Line
Sen Yan's Devotion
The Great Prince Shan
The Battle
The Vermilion Pencil
The Street of the Flying Dragon
Black Roses
The First Born
The Swamp
Where Lights Are Low
An Arabian Knight
The Devil's Trade-Mark
The Beggar Prince
The Brand of Lopez
Li Ting Lang
A Heart in Pawn
The Illustrious Prince
The Tong Man
Bonds of Honor
The Dragon Painter
The Courageous Coward
The Man Beneath
His Debt
The Gray Horizon
The Bravest Way
The City of Dim Faces
The Hidden Pearls
The Honor of His House
The Temple of Dusk
The White Man's Law
His Birthright
The Bottle Imp
The Call of the East
Each to His Kind
Forbidden Paths
Hashimura Togo
The Jaguar's Claws
The Secret Game
Alien Souls
The Honorable Friend
The Victoria Cross
The Soul of Kura San
After Five
The Cheat
The Clue
The Secret Sin
The Typhoon
The Wrath of the Gods