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Susumu Fujita
Mori no mukougawa
A Bridge of Tears
The Imperial Navy
Lullaby for a Tough Guy
New Prison Walls of Abashiri: Stormy Cape
Hokkai No Abare-Ryu
Bosû wa ore no kenjû de
Nihon ânkokugai
Yataro's Sedge Hat
Shî no tsûisekishâ
The Spider-Man
Kumo-otoko no gyakushû
Eight Views of Samurai
Emperor Meiji and the Great Russo-Japanese War
Umi no santôhei
Vengeance of the Female Pearl's Rule
Hokkai no hanran
Silver Snake Iwashiya
Sebiro-san sukato-san
Nobuko Rides on a Cloud
Ai no rekishi
Nihon yaburezu
Horafuki tanji
Hana to ryû - Dai-ichi-bu: Dôkai-wan no rantô
Hana to ryû - Dai-ni-bu: Aijô ruten
Hana to ryu
Sensuikan Rogô imada fujôsezu
Himeyuri Lily Tower
The Battleship Yamato
Waga koi no lila no kokage ni
Gozen reiji
River Solo Flows
Joen no hatoba
Arabiya monogatari
Akatsuki no Kyushu
Heat and Mud
Umi no G-men
Hi no tori
Umi no G-men: Genkai nada no ôkami
Nikutai no bôfû
Rajô no ureî
Kirare no Senta
Ishimatsu of the Forest
Shirozukin arawaru
A Flower Blooms
Ikiteiru gazô
The Limit of Happiness
Tôhô sen'ichi-ya
Kakedashi jidai
Lord for a Night
Those Who Make Tomorrow
A Descendant of Urashima Taro
No Regrets for Our Youth
Minshu no teki
The Men Who Tread on the Tiger's Tail
Kanjôkai no bara
Sanshiro Sugata II
Three Women of the North
Duel at Yagyu Valley
Energetic Boy
Battle Troop
Colonel Kato's Falcon Squadron
Nichijô no tatakai
Sanshiro Sugata
Himetaru kakugo
Seishun no kiryû
Midori no daichi
Shidô monogatari
Kingorô no oisha-san
Nessa no chikai (Zenpen; Kôhen)
Futari no sekai
Kaigun bakugekitai
Okumura Ioko
The Burning Sky
Tsuma no sugaô
Ribbon o musubu fujin
A Bridge of Tears
The Imperial Navy
Lullaby for a Tough Guy
New Prison Walls of Abashiri: Stormy Cape
Hokkai No Abare-Ryu
Bosû wa ore no kenjû de
Nihon ânkokugai
Yataro's Sedge Hat
Shî no tsûisekishâ
The Spider-Man
Kumo-otoko no gyakushû
Eight Views of Samurai
Emperor Meiji and the Great Russo-Japanese War
Umi no santôhei
Vengeance of the Female Pearl's Rule
Hokkai no hanran
Silver Snake Iwashiya
Sebiro-san sukato-san
Nobuko Rides on a Cloud
Ai no rekishi
Nihon yaburezu
Horafuki tanji
Hana to ryû - Dai-ichi-bu: Dôkai-wan no rantô
Hana to ryû - Dai-ni-bu: Aijô ruten
Hana to ryu
Sensuikan Rogô imada fujôsezu
Himeyuri Lily Tower
The Battleship Yamato
Waga koi no lila no kokage ni
Gozen reiji
River Solo Flows
Joen no hatoba
Arabiya monogatari
Akatsuki no Kyushu
Heat and Mud
Umi no G-men
Hi no tori
Umi no G-men: Genkai nada no ôkami
Nikutai no bôfû
Rajô no ureî
Kirare no Senta
Ishimatsu of the Forest
Shirozukin arawaru
A Flower Blooms
Ikiteiru gazô
The Limit of Happiness
Tôhô sen'ichi-ya
Kakedashi jidai
Lord for a Night
Those Who Make Tomorrow
A Descendant of Urashima Taro
No Regrets for Our Youth
Minshu no teki
The Men Who Tread on the Tiger's Tail
Kanjôkai no bara
Sanshiro Sugata II
Three Women of the North
Duel at Yagyu Valley
Energetic Boy
Battle Troop
Colonel Kato's Falcon Squadron
Nichijô no tatakai
Sanshiro Sugata
Himetaru kakugo
Seishun no kiryû
Midori no daichi
Shidô monogatari
Kingorô no oisha-san
Nessa no chikai (Zenpen; Kôhen)
Futari no sekai
Kaigun bakugekitai
Okumura Ioko
The Burning Sky
Tsuma no sugaô
Ribbon o musubu fujin