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Tatsuo Endô
Female Ninjas Magic Chronicles 4: Rebel Forces at the Threshold
Female Ninjas: Magic Chronicles 3
Revenge! The Killing Fist
Father of the Kamikaze
Bohachi Bushido: Code of the Forgotten Eight
Informal Dress
Bounty Hunter 3: Eight Men to Kill
The Insatiable
Fate Deals the Card of Death
Scratched Faces
Okoma: The Orphan Gambler
Bitter Tears of a Woman Gambler
The Sucker's Blunt Dagger
House of Gamblers
Gambler's Legacy
Hoodlum Legion
Yoru no kayô series: Onna
A Gambler's Certain Death
Human Torpedoes
Bakuchi-uchi: Nagurikomi
Bazoku yakuza
Hana fudâ tôsei
Game of Chance 3
Gamblers: One Dragon
The Seven Gamblers
Samurai Wolf
Yojôhan monogatari: Shôfu Shino
Santo hei oyabun
Santo hei oyabun shutsu jin
Young Boss: Overcoming Adversity
Jirokichi the Rat
Zatoichi's Flashing Sword
A Life of Bad Temper
Osaka Tough
Female Ninjas Magic Chronicles 4: Rebel Forces at the Threshold
Female Ninjas: Magic Chronicles 3
Revenge! The Killing Fist
Father of the Kamikaze
Bohachi Bushido: Code of the Forgotten Eight
Informal Dress
Bounty Hunter 3: Eight Men to Kill
The Insatiable
Fate Deals the Card of Death
Scratched Faces
Okoma: The Orphan Gambler
Bitter Tears of a Woman Gambler
The Sucker's Blunt Dagger
House of Gamblers
Gambler's Legacy
Hoodlum Legion
Yoru no kayô series: Onna
A Gambler's Certain Death
Human Torpedoes
Bakuchi-uchi: Nagurikomi
Bazoku yakuza
Hana fudâ tôsei
Game of Chance 3
Gamblers: One Dragon
The Seven Gamblers
Samurai Wolf
Yojôhan monogatari: Shôfu Shino
Santo hei oyabun
Santo hei oyabun shutsu jin
Young Boss: Overcoming Adversity
Jirokichi the Rat
Zatoichi's Flashing Sword
A Life of Bad Temper
Osaka Tough