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Tetsuya Watari
is best known for her work in Tokyo Drifter (1966).
Lady Joker
Nagasaki burabura bushi
Diary of Early Winter Shower
Night Train to the Stars
Tokei - Adieu l'hiver
Yakuza Burial: Jasmine Flower
Graveyard of Honor
Theater of Life: Youth, Lust and Spirit
The Blossom and the Sword
Wild Cop
Wild Cop 2
Stray Dog
Hana to ryu seiun aizo dotohen
Theater Of Life
Chase That Man
Sword and Flower
Kanto Kanbu-kai
Farewell to the Code
Challenge at Dawn
Expelled from the Kanto Mob
Step on the Gas!
Daikanbu keri o tsukero
Yakuza's Profile
Fuji sanchô
Showdown in Gangland
Bakuto mujô
The Cleanup
Showdown at Nagasaki
Savage Wolf Pack
The Wild Sea
Outlaw: Kill!
Daikanbu nagurikomi!
Yakuza bangaichi: massatsu
Yakuza wataridori: Akutôkagyô
Ex Convict: Bail
Ex Convict: Sword Storm
Daat ming dou wong
Moeru tairiku
Outlaw: Gangster VIP 2
Goro the Assassin
Outlaw: Heartless
Outlaw: Black Dagger
The Final Winner?
Velvet Hustler
The Hurricane Drummer
Hi no ataru sakamichi
Yume wa yoru hiraku
Moeru kumo
Hôshiyo nâgekûna: Shorî no otokô
Tôkyô shigai sen
Rusty Pendant
Tokyo Drifter
The Heart of Hiroshima
The Stormy Man
Akai glass
Zoku Tokyo nagaremono - Umi wa makka na koi no iro
The Stars and I Decided...
You Are My Life
Akai tanima no kettô
Abare kishidô
Seishun no sabaki
Kenju mushuku-datsy goku no buruusu
Nagasaki burabura bushi
Diary of Early Winter Shower
Night Train to the Stars
Tokei - Adieu l'hiver
Yakuza Burial: Jasmine Flower
Graveyard of Honor
Theater of Life: Youth, Lust and Spirit
The Blossom and the Sword
Wild Cop
Wild Cop 2
Stray Dog
Hana to ryu seiun aizo dotohen
Theater Of Life
Chase That Man
Sword and Flower
Kanto Kanbu-kai
Farewell to the Code
Challenge at Dawn
Expelled from the Kanto Mob
Step on the Gas!
Daikanbu keri o tsukero
Yakuza's Profile
Fuji sanchô
Showdown in Gangland
Bakuto mujô
The Cleanup
Showdown at Nagasaki
Savage Wolf Pack
The Wild Sea
Outlaw: Kill!
Daikanbu nagurikomi!
Yakuza bangaichi: massatsu
Yakuza wataridori: Akutôkagyô
Ex Convict: Bail
Ex Convict: Sword Storm
Daat ming dou wong
Moeru tairiku
Outlaw: Gangster VIP 2
Goro the Assassin
Outlaw: Heartless
Outlaw: Black Dagger
The Final Winner?
Velvet Hustler
The Hurricane Drummer
Hi no ataru sakamichi
Yume wa yoru hiraku
Moeru kumo
Hôshiyo nâgekûna: Shorî no otokô
Tôkyô shigai sen
Rusty Pendant
Tokyo Drifter
The Heart of Hiroshima
The Stormy Man
Akai glass
Zoku Tokyo nagaremono - Umi wa makka na koi no iro
The Stars and I Decided...
You Are My Life
Akai tanima no kettô
Abare kishidô
Seishun no sabaki
Kenju mushuku-datsy goku no buruusu